Alcohol Abuse and Addiction Treatment

Providing in-person and online therapy services in Conyers, GA

You never thought you’d end up here.

On one hand, it feels like your problem with alcohol snuck up on you. On the other, it seems like you’ve been fighting it or running away from it for a while. You thought you had it under control. And really, you did … in the beginning. You’re not sure where exactly it went wrong, but now it's a problem too big to ignore. You’ve promised yourself over and over that “this time’s the last time,” but end up feeling more guilt and shame when it happens again.

For a while, you managed day-to-day life fine. But now, you spend more and more time getting alcohol, using alcohol, and recovering from alcohol. Normal life has started to disappear. Work is an escape - the one place you’ve held it together. But lately you’ve wondered how long you can keep it up. You worry that it’s only a matter of time before that disappears too.

No one sees the hidden internal war

Relationships are strained. You feel alone; no one sees the daily battle that rages inside you. Maybe friends and family have noticed what’s happening and they’re pushing you to get help. Maybe they know something’s wrong, but you’ve hidden it well and they don’t yet understand what’s really happening. Either way, it seems like you’re walking a tightrope of balancing your needs and their expectations.

Life doesn’t have to be this way!

Recovery may be something you’re familiar with. Or this might be your first time even considering it. In either case, admitting you need help is hard … possibly the most courageous thing you’ll ever do. But sometimes doing the hard thing creates the biggest change. This can be true for your own recovery process.

You CAN get out of the crazy cycle and feel like yourself again.

You CAN wake up and look forward to the day instead of battling guilt and shame.

You CAN experience better relationships.

You CAN take back the things alcohol has taken from you.

You CAN feel confident about your future.

YOU can create a life you’re proud of.

 How I can help …

Getting started

The thought of treatment and recovery may feel scary or overwhelming, but I’ll make it simple. We’ll start with an initial assessment to explore what’s going on and I’ll recommend a recovery plan that best fits your needs. At the end of the appointment, we’ll talk about your next steps and if I would be the best fit for you. My goal is to help you on your healing journey, so if I’m not the right fit, I’ll do my best to give you options that would work for you. However, if I provide the level of care you need, and you want to continue working with me, then we’ll discuss a strategy to move forward.

My Approach

My approach to alcohol abuse and addiction treatment is two-fold. The first stage is recovery. We’ll create a long-term recovery plan based on your needs. Then, we’ll talk about the second stage–exploring any deeper issues connected to your alcohol abuse. Many times, problematic alcohol use stems from unhealed past experiences or unresolved internal conflicts. Once we establish a level of recovery, we’ll explore these deeper issues in order to heal, reduce the risk of relapse, and help you experience a more fulfilling future.

 Therapy for Alcohol Abuse can help you…

  • Identify and manage triggers

  • Explore potential high risk situations and how to respond

  • Recognize negative patterns of thinking that hinder recovery

  • Identify justifications for relapse and learn how to combat them

  • Consider the impact of alcohol use on brain and body

    … and create a personalized, comprehensive relapse prevention plan.

You CAN change the trajectory of your life!

Contact me at (678) 253-8233 or click the button below to skip the phone tag cycle and schedule your FREE consultation. 

FAQs related to Alcohol Abuse and Addiction Treatment

  • A: The “pain point” is different for everyone. Some people know they are addicted and need help. Others may not be addicted, but know that something’s not okay. They might wonder if it’s “bad enough” to need treatment. If you’ve experienced any one of the following signs, you may benefit from an initial assessment appointment:

    • You’re drinking more often or in larger quantities than before

    • You’re spending more time getting, consuming, or recovering from alcohol

    • You or your family or friends are concerned about your use

    • You often wake up sick in the morning because you drank the night before

    • You drink and drive

    • You find yourself constantly thinking about alcohol

    • You hide the amount you drink

    • You’re alcohol use interferes with daily life or relationships

  • A: The length of treatment has several factors. At our first appointment, we’ll review your complete history of alcohol use, including how much and how often you currently drink. This, along with other factors, will determine the proposed level and length of treatment. We’ll discuss my recommendations at the end of our initial assessment appointment.

  • A: Yes! I have provided addiction counseling both in person and online. While we’ll need to evaluate whether online therapy is right for your specific situation, I’ve had many clients experience healing while enjoying the convenience of online therapy.

    More questions about online therapy? Check out the Online Therapy section of the FAQs page.




Want to meet face-to-face?

At the Heart Counseling Services is located at

1257 Commercial Drive SW, Conyers, GA 30094.

Sessions by appointment only.



Get help from anywhere in Georgia.

No need to plan an extra 30-60 minutes of travel time or spend money on gas. Online therapy means you get the help you need from the comfort of your home, office, or other private area. All sessions are done on a secure site, compliant with HIPPA privacy standards.

Questions? Check out the Online Therapy section of the FAQs page.